
Sunday 31 August 2014

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

This is a great alternative spaghetti dish, a bit like carbonara only with seafood.

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce

You will need

150 Gm - Spaghetti
Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food140 Gm - Fish (I've used river cobbler but any white fish will do)
200 Ml - Milk
50 Gm - Butter
150 Ml - Double Cream
3 cloves – Garlic (crushed)
10 Gm – Parsley (finely chopped)
1 teaspoon – Fennel Seeds (crushed)
½ teaspoon – Italian Seasoning
1 teaspoon - Plain Flour
80 Gm – King Prawns (raw)
Seasoning to taste

Cook your spaghetti to your liking.

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Poach the fish in the milk for 10 minutes then remove both milk and fish into a bowl.

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Melt the butter in the pan and cook the garlic, fennel parsley and Italian seasoning for a couple of minutes then add the flour and make a paste before adding the poaching milk, stir well and simmer for 5 minutes then add the cream and stir well.

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Add the fish to the pan break it up then stir well and simmer for 10 minutes.

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Cook the prawns in butter turning until they go pink.

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Mix the sauce with the spaghetti then add the prawns and serve.

Spaghetti with Fish in Creamy Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Thursday 14 August 2014

Roasted Ramiro Peppers and Garlic Mushrooms in Parmesan Baskets

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food

Roasted Ramiro Peppers and Garlic Mushrooms in Parmesan Baskets

This makes a really nice starter and you can eat the bowl too, what more could you want.

The parmesan baskets are a bit tricky, you need to get them as thin as you can so if you don’t fancy that just serve the peppers and mushrooms and grate over the parmesan.

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple FoodTo make 2 baskets you will need

3 – Ramiro Peppers (or regular red peppers)
100 Gm – Button Mushrooms
100Gm – Parmesan Cheese
½ teaspoon – Dried basil
½ teaspoon – Dried Coriander
50 Gm – Tomato Paste
25 Ml - Red Wine
60 Gm – Butter
4 cloves – Garlic (crushed)

Grate the parmesan with the larger part of you grater so that you get long strips rather than powder, then arrange it in a circle on a greased baking tray.

Pre heat your oven to maximum in my case this is 240°c then place your baking tray into the oven. You must keep an eye on it at this stage, what you need is for it to reach the bubbling stage mine took about 10 minutes.

Now let it cool for a while, when it has cooled it should be soft and pliable so gently peel it from the baking tray and place it into the bowl that you are going to use as a mould gently pressing it to the shape of it then put it in the fridge while you get on with the rest of the recipe.

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food
Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food

Cut the peppers in half (or in quarters if using normal red peppers) and de seed them, then place them in a 180°c oven for 20 minutes.

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food

While the peppers are roasting put the tomato paste, coriander, basil and red wine in a pan.

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food

Mix well into a paste and simmer on a low heat for 5 minutes just to cook out the wine

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food

When the peppers are ready liquidise them, (save a couple of halves to use as garnish) add them to the pan mix well and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food
Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food

While the paste is cooling cook the mushrooms in the crushed garlic and butter and add salt to season.

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food

Line the parmesan basket with the pepper mix; put the mushrooms on top pouring over any excess garlic butter.

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food

 Serve as a starter or smaller portions as party nibbles.

Parmesan Baskets ~ Simple Food