
Sunday 28 September 2014

Spaghetti Bolognese (made with premium red pepper ragu)

Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food

Spaghetti Bolognese (made with premium red pepper ragu)

I always like to make the ragu separate from the mince because I find it so much easier to get the rich taste of the smooth sauce before adding to the meat.

You will need
Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food 
3 – Large Red Peppers
100 Ml - Red Wine
3 cloves – Garlic (crushed)
1 teaspoon – Dried Coriander
1 teaspoon – Dried Oregano
½ teaspoon – Dried Sage
1 teaspoon – Dried Parsley
1 - Vegetable Stock Cube
2 table spoons – Chopped Fresh Basil
1 - Splash Light Soy Sauce
1 - 400 Gm can of Chopped Tomatoes
50 Gm – Tomato Paste
1 – Onion (finely chopped)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
400 Gm – Minced Beef

Deseed and quarter the peppers then place them on an oven proof tray drizzle with a little olive oil and roast them in a 180°c pre heated oven for 20 minutes then take them out of the oven, let them cool for a couple of minutes and blitz them in a liquidiser until smooth.

Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food
Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food

Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food
Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food

Heat a little olive oil in a wok or pan and gently fry the garlic, dried coriander, oregano, sage, stock cube and parsley for about 2 minutes then add the peppers and the red wine and simmer for about 10 minutes.

Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food
Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food

Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food

Add the tomato paste stir well then add the tomatoes, soy sauce and the basil, season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes.

Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food

While that’s going on boil the mince in water then drain to get rid of excess fat, then cook with the onion for about 5 minutes.

Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food

Add the ragu to the mince and onions, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and simmer for at least 30 minutes.

Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food

A good Bolognese sauce is not to be rushed so simmer for longer on a low heat if you have the time, you won’t regret it.

Cook up some spaghetti to your liking, mix with the sauce and serve with the pepper grinder.

Spaghetti Bolognese ~ Simple Food

Sunday 14 September 2014

Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce

Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce

Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food

I’ve kept this dish very simple, just the gorgeous flavour of the rainbow trout infused with the gentle flavours of ginger and spring onions.

The chilli sauce is also quite gentle so as not to overpower but to compliment the dish.

You will need
Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food 
1 – Whole Rainbow Trout (cleaned and trimmed)
100 Gm – Spring Onions
75 Gm – Fresh Ginger
50 Ml – White Wine Vinegar
50 Gm – Rice Wine
50 Gm – Water
A little Olive Oil
3 table spoons – Demerara Sugar
2 – Red Chillies (deseeded and chopped)
200 Gm – Fresh Pineapple

First of all make the sauce because in my opinion it is best served cold.

Place the chopped pineapple and chillies in a saucepan along with the white wine vinegar, rice wine, sugar and water then bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food
Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food

Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food

Then allow to cool before liquidising.

Prepare the ginger and spring onions then instead of throwing the offcuts away stuff them inside the trout and steam it for 15 minutes.

Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food
Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food

Cut the onions and ginger into thin strips and stir fry in a little olive oil for about five minutes until tender.

Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food
Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food

When the trout is ready discard the ginger and spring onion offcuts stuffing and serve on a bed of rice with the stir fry on top and the chilli sauce in a dish.

Asian Style Rainbow Trout with Chilli & Pineapple Sauce ~ Simple Food

Sunday 7 September 2014

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

How to take a supreme of chicken cut from a whole chicken.

A supreme of chicken cut is just the breast (usually with the skin left on) incorporating part of the wing. It’s very French cuisine and looks really good on the plate, also very easy to do.

Here’s a step by step guide, showing you exactly how to do it.

Firstly cut down to release the leg.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Then feel for the breast bone and cut down against it to start separating the breast.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Now take the wing and feel for the second joint from the end and cut through it.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Then carry on cutting away the breast making sure that you cut through the last joint of the wing to keep it attached to the breast.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

I usually remove the tenderloin and keep it for other uses but you can keep it in if you want to.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Cut off the fatty bits that are on each end of the breast.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

There you have a supreme of chicken.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce

For each serving
Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food 
You will need

1 – Chicken supreme
60 Gm – Oyster Mushrooms
2 cloves – Garlic
1 teaspoon – Plain Flour
50 Ml – White Wine

100 Ml – Good Chicken Stock
50 Gm - Butter

Pan fry the chicken supreme in the butter by sealing it both sides on a high heat then cook on a medium heat basting from time to time for about 15 minutes or until cooked through.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food
Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Take the chicken from the pan to rest and put the mushrooms and garlic in the pan and cook on a medium heat for about 5 minutes.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Squash the mushrooms down occasionally to get some of the juice into the pan, remove the mushrooms and keep them somewhere warm.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Add the flour to the juices and make a paste.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Then add the wine and mix to a smooth paste again then cook for about 5 minutes to cook out the wine.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Now add the chicken stock, season to your taste and cook on a medium heat to reduce a little.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food

Pour over the chicken and mushrooms and serve with fresh vegetables.

Supreme of Chicken with Oyster Mushroom and Garlic Sauce ~ Simple Food