
Sunday 5 April 2015

Homemade English Crumpets

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

There’s something about hot buttered crumpets that takes me back to Sunday tea when I was a child, although these days I do prefer them at breakfast time.

There is nothing wrong with shop bought crumpets.

Until of course you try these, then there is no going back.

Homemade English Crumpets

Makes 20 (7 cm) Time 2 hours 10 minutes (including raising the dough)

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple FoodYou will need

350 Ml – Milk
225 Gm – Strong White Flour
125 Gm – Plain Flour
7 Gm – Quick Acting Yeast
½ teaspoon – Salt
1 teaspoon – Caster Sugar
1 level teaspoon – Bicarbonate of Soda
150 Ml – Warm Water
A little butter

Warm the milk on a low heat until tepid.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

Sift the flours into a bowl then add the yeast, salt and sugar and mix well.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

Add the milk and beat into an elastic dough.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

Put in a warm place for about an hour or until it has doubled in size.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

Mix the bicarbonate of soda with the warm water and beat it into the risen dough until you have a well mixed batter.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

Put the batter back into a warm place for about 30 minutes.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

Butter the inside of some cooking rings and warm them in a buttered frying pan.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

Now pour about 2 ½ cm of batter into each ring and cook gently on a medium heat for about 10 minutes.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

Then run a knife around the outside, turn the ring over and push the crumpet out into the pan to cook for 2 – 3 minutes on the other side.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food

Easy as that!!

You can butter and eat them straight away or allow them to cool then toast them as normal crumpets.

Homemade English Crumpets ~ Simple Food