
Friday 20 November 2015

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry

I’ve always been a great lover of Chinese chicken curry; it’s not for your fiery curry lover, it doesn’t try to copy Indian curry, it’s different and I love it.

When I have a chicken curry in a Chinese restaurant I always enjoy it BUT............ The chicken is cooked plain and just dumped in the sauce.

It always seemed to me that there must be a way to improve the whole experience of the main ingredient, THE CHICKEN.

So I used chicken thighs which are my personal favourite and I marinated them overnight in garlic and slow roasted them.

That did the trick!!!

You don’t have to use garlic andchilli infused oils but you won’t regret making some because they are a hit in any dish.

You will need

The marinade

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food5 - Chicken Thighs (skinned and boned)
2 cloves - Garlic (grated or crushed)

The sauce

1 – Onion (finely chopped)
2 tablespoons - Mild Curry Powder
½ teaspoon – Light Soy Sauce
50 Ml - White Wine
1 tablespoon - Plain Flour
1 – Thumb sized piece of Ginger (grated)
2 cloves – Garlic (grated or crushed)
2 - Veg Stock Cubes
Chicken Stock
Just a little Double Cream

Chicken thighs are readily available already skinned and boned but if you are like me why pay someone to do what you can easily do yourself.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

Put the garlic and enough garlic oil to coat the thighs in a container add the chicken thighs and coat with the oil and garlic, then cover and place in the fridge overnight.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food
Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

The next day take this beautifully flavoured chicken, place it in an oven proof dish along with the oil and roast it for 30 minutes at 125°c.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

While that’s going on you can make the sauce.

So heat a little garlic oil in a wok or large pan and throw in the onion, garlic and ginger mix well and cook for 2 or 3 minutes.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food
Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

Add the curry powder and a splash of chilli oil mix well and cook for a further couple of minutes.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

Now add the flour and mix into a paste, cook for a further minute or so then add the wine and mix into a paste once more.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food
Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food
Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

When the wine has cooked out for a few minutes add the chicken and a little of the oil then mix well.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food
Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

Now add some chicken stock, enough to get the consistency you require.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

Then add a little double cream, mix well and cook on a medium heat for about 10 – 15 minutes and then you are done.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food
Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food

Serve with a rice of your choice.

Chinese Inspired Garlic Chicken Curry ~ Simple Food