
Wednesday 29 June 2016

Chicken Chop Suey (with homemade chicken stock)

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Chop Suey roughly translated means “assorted pieces” so that leaves it entirely up to you and your taste what you use, basically though it will consist of chicken, beef, pork or fish  with bean sprouts, rice and other vegetables.
For this dish I have chosen chicken and green beans and you may think that I have cheated a bit on the stock because I have used stock cubes, but I have enhanced it with the flavour of the bones and the skin of the chicken, the stock cubes just make it a little quicker to produce.

Chicken Chop Suey (with homemade chicken stock)

You will need
3 – Chicken Thighs (skin on bone in)
Splash of White Wine Vinegar
Pinch of Salt
1 – tablespoon – Freshly Grated Ginger
1 – Onion (finely chopped)
175 Gm – Bean Sprouts
120 Gm – Green Beans
1 tablespoon – Light Soy Sauce
2 – Chicken Stock Cubes
1 tablespoon – Chinese Rice Wine
½ teaspoon – soft Brown Sugar
150 Ml - Chicken Stock
250 Gm – Cold Cooked Rice

Top and tail the beans then chop them into 1 inch pieces, now put them into a pan of boiling water for about 5 minutes and set them aside.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food
Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Skin and de-bone the chicken thighs and fry the skin and bones in a little garlic oil for about 10 minutes.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food
Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Drain of the fat and deglaze the pan with a little white wine vinegar, while the vinegar is cooking out mix the stock cube in 250 Ml of freshly boiled water and pour into the pan.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Simmer on a medium to high heat for 10 minutes then drain through a sieve; this should make
150 Ml of stock.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Pour about a tablespoon of garlic oil over the cold pre-cooked rice, mix well and set aside.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food
Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Cut the chicken into strips and cook in a little garlic oil for 5 or 6 minutes.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food
Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Add the onion and Beansprouts and cook for a couple of minutes on a medium to high heat then add the soy sauce, rice wine, ginger and soft brown sugar and mix well.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Now add the rice, season with the salt and stir fry for a couple more minutes.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Put in the beans and the stock mix well and cook for 5 minutes just to make sure that the chicken is cooked through.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Place in a bowl and serve immediately.........Delicious.

Chicken Cop Suey ~ Simple Food

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast)

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food

This is a gentle wonderful tasting Chow Mein that is so quick and easy to make.
Saying that, most of the time is taken up making the stock so if you decided to buy in the stock it would be super quick.
As long as you stick to the basics of the recipe you can put your own spin on it, like buying in the stock, dark soy instead of light, steam the chicken and so on.
Anyway here it is, please try it and let me know what you think.

You will need;
450 Gm – Fresh Egg Noodles
5 tablespoons – Garlic Oil
4 – Chicken Thighs (skin on bone in)
2 – Chicken Stock Cubes
115 Gm – Fresh Beansprouts 
Pinch – Sea Salt
½ tsp – Soft Brown Sugar
1 tablespoon – Chinese Rice Wine
3 tablespoons – Light Soy Sauce
1- Onion (finely chopped)
150 Ml – Chicken Stock

First off we’ll make the stock, start by skinning and de-boning the chicken thighs.

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food

Heat a little garlic oil in a pan and fry the skin a bones for about 10 minutes.

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food

Make up 250 Ml of stock with the stock cubes and freshly boiled water.

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food

Drain off the fat and add a splash of white wine vinegar to de-glaze the pan
then add the white wine and simmer on a medium heat for about 5 minutes.

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food

Now add the stock and reduce for 15 minutes, this will make 150 Ml of stock.

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food

While all that is going on mix the noodles with 1 tablespoon of the garlic oil and put to one side,
then chop the chicken into 1 centimetre pieces.

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food
Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food

Heat 3 tablespoons of garlic oil in a wok and fry the chicken for 5 minutes, now add the onions and beansprouts and cook for a further 2 – 3 minutes then add the salt, brown sugar, rice wine and half the soy sauce and blend well.

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food
Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food

Add the noodles, the rest of the soy sauce and the 150 ml of stock then mix well and cook on a medium heat for 10 minutes.

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food
Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food

Serve with a rice of your choice or if you are like me you’ll have it on its own.

Chicken Chow Mein (super fast) ~ Simple Food