
Friday 17 February 2012

Breakfast at The Bacon Arms

Hi everyone, it was racing in Newbury today so we have a full hotel. I’ll be there early tomorrow morning to cook breakfast for the masses; well we only have 14 rooms so there will be 28 guests at most. They’ll all be down at the same time for breakfast so that they can get to the racecourse for the first race.

 Because I cook my breakfasts freshly to order it can be a bit daunting if they all come down at once especially if we get people in off the street (walk ins) at the same time.

 So let me set the scene..............

 I get there at 6:30 am and do two of the most important things of the morning, put the radio and the coffee on, because in this hotel the chef does nothing unless there is a constant supply of real black coffee. Anyone who thinks that I put the coffee on for the customers is sadly mistaken, although I do allow them to drink it as well.

 Over the next hour I prepare myself for the onslaught, Bacon, sausages and tomatoes ready for the grill, I use field mushrooms, sliced rather than button, beans and hash browns. As you can read from my earlier posts my eggs are my pride and joy so in turn so must my egg pans, frying pan in pristine condition scrambled egg pan at the ready (I don’t do microwave cooking) and of course my old faithful poached egg pan.

In between all that there are fridge and freezer temps to be checked and........... oh I can here Dave the food delivery guy pulling his trolley down the car park (he doesn’t bring the lorry in since writing my car off in the icy conditions Christmas Eve 2009).

 Then the staff arrive (by staff I mean the one person that’s rotered on to help me this particular morning) looking like they would give a million quid to still be in bed. Mind you I can’t blame them because most of the time unlike me they’ve had to do the late night session as well. Now I don’t know about you but I think it’s an un natural act to go to work in the evening, if I haven’t started work by midday then I’m afraid I’m not going to bother.

Don,t forget if you need photos for your blog go to

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