
Monday 13 February 2012

How To Make The Best Gravy

I love sauces so I suppose you could say that I’m a wet food man, my favourite sauces are the ones that I make myself. To my mind the most important ingredients in any sauce is wine, plain flour and the juices of whatever it’s going to embrace.

How To Make The Best Gravy
 In this post I am talking about gravy, the make or break of a roast dinner, the break being if you dare to use gravy granules. My favourite roast is chicken but I don’t go for this chicken gravy stuff I always use a beef stock cube whatever the meat but that’s just personal choice.
How To Make The Best Gravy

So here is How To Make The Best Gravy;

You've just taken your roast chicken out of the oven, take it out of the pan and lay it to rest while you make the gravy.

 You now have a pan with these wonderful meat juices in it so put it on the hob on a low heat and throw in about two dessert spoonfuls of plain flour and whisk because you certainly don’t want any lumps.
How To Make The Best Gravy

 As the mixture is gently bubbling add a glass of red wine. Now just some information about cooking with wine, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS COOKING WINE. If it’s not good enough for you to drink then it’s not good enough for you to cook with....... Just thought I’d get that off my chest.
How To Make The Best Gravy

 Let the wine cook in for 3 -4 minutes (red wine cooks off a lot quicker than white) then add a couple of stock cubes, as I say I always use beef but any will do. I always cover my chicken with mixed herbs and sage so there is plenty of flavour in the juices but if you don’t then add them with the stock cubes.

 Now your gravy at this point should be a thick paste so now you need to add another very important ingredient, VEGETABLE WATER cabbage water is by far the best, don’t worry if you steam your veg just use the water from the bottom of the steamer.

 Get it to the consistency of your liking and it’s ready.  
How To Make The Best Gravy

Simple Food Shots

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