
Thursday 9 February 2012

Poached Eggs

How to make Perfect Poached Eggs ~ Simple Food

How to make Perfect Poached Eggs

On toast, in a toasted sandwich, or as an alternative to fried egg on a full English breakfast this is a really nice healthy way to have your egg.

 Most people cook them in a saucepan which is OK if you are only doing one or two, I very often have to produce up to ten at a time so I use a large fairly deep frying pan in fact at home if I have company for breakfast I use a wok. So I suppose that we have established that anything fireproof that holds water will do.

Bring the water in your pan to the boil, and then turn the heat down to a minimum. 

Here's a tip
If you are cooking on an electric hob then you will know that the heat doesn't reduce anytime soon, so put one ring on high to boil and another on a low then just move the pan from one to the other.

Pour in a little vinegar this will help the white set as soon as the egg hits the water and then give it a stir.

How to make Perfect Poached Eggs ~ Simple Food
How to make Perfect Poached Eggs ~ Simple Food

Now carefully break your egg into the water.  

How to make Perfect Poached Eggs ~ Simple Food
How to make Perfect Poached Eggs ~ Simple Food

About three minutes should do and then take your spoon and carefully scoop it out of the pan, if when you start to scoop the egg out it is not quite done to your liking then gently lower it down again leaving it in the spoon to simmer for a little longer.

How to make Perfect Poached Eggs ~ Simple Food

Enjoy your eggs.

How to make Perfect Poached Eggs ~ Simple Food

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