
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Stir Fried King Prawns and Mushrooms in a Creamy Lemon and White Wine Sauce

This is a lovely dish, simple, fairly light and full of flavour. The creamy sauce infused with the spring onions with a light lemony flavour is a delight.

Here is what you will need:-

The Stir Fry
A little Olive Oil
200 gm - King Prawns (raw & prepared)
150 gm - Button Mushrooms (sliced)
150 gm - Samphire (washed & trimmed)

The Sauce
A little Olive Oil
6 - Spring Onions
½ - Lemon
1 - Dessert sp Plain Flour
50 mm - White wine
150 ml - Cream
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
1 - Vegetable Stock Cube

It’s best to make the sauce first so that it can be gently bubbling away while you cook the prawns, mushrooms and samphire.

Put a little olive oil in a pan on a medium to low heat, Chop the spring onions and add them to the pan

 after two or three minutes add the plain flour and mix to a paste.
Then add the white wine, when it begins to bubble mix it into a paste again.
Then add the cream and mix well, add the salt and pepper and lemon juice.
It will be quite thick by now so add a little water to get it to the consistency of your liking mix well, and then sprinkle in the stock cube stir well as it heats up again.

Keep tasting as you go you may want to add more of certain things to get it to your liking; you will be surprised at the kick the spring onions will give.

While that’s gently simmering Heat a little oil in a wok and stir fry the pawns, when they start changing pink put in the sliced mushrooms.
Stir fry for about four minutes then add the Samphire and stir fry for another three minutes or so.

If you are not familiar with samphire it’s  a lovely crisp salty coastal plant great for using in stir fries, just wash it trim it off and pat it dry.

Go back to your sauce and make any adjustments that you need to, and you are ready to plate up.

I had mine with baby new potatoes, but rice or mash is a good accompaniment

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