
Tuesday 2 July 2013

Homemade Cheese & Bacon Burgers

Homemade Cheese & Bacon Burgers ~ Simple Food

Homemade Cheese & Bacon Burgers
Homemade burgers are so much nicer than 
shop bought, produce these at your barbecue 
and you will wow your guests especially 
topped with melted cheese and bacon with 
a little homemade BBQ sauce. If you want 
to really spice it up then add some homemade 
sweetchilli dipping sauce.

I’ve made these burgers fairly basic so as not 
to overpower the great beefy flavour, but you 
can add any herbs and spices of your choice.
This is a really easy recipe and gets a great result.

For 5 good sized burgers you will need;

800 Gm – Good Quality Minced Beef
1 – Onion (finely chopped)
2 – Egg Yolks
1 – Handful Fresh Coriander (finely chopped)
50 Ml – Light Soy Sauce

For the topping;

4 – Rashers of Smoked Bacon (chopped)
1 – Onion (chopped)
100 Gm – Cheddar Cheese (chopped or grated

For the burgers, put the mince, onion, egg yolks, coriander and soy sauce into a bowl and get your hands in there and mix and squeeze it until everything is completely mixed together. Then pull out equal amounts and pat them into burger shapes.

Homemade Cheese & Bacon Burgers ~ Simple Food

Homemade Cheese & Bacon Burgers ~ Simple Food

Put the burgers on the barbecue and cook them in the normal way. While they are cooking put a griddle on the barbecue flat side up, or even a frying pan if you haven’t got a griddle and start to cook the onions and bacon. After about 5 minutes add the cheese and keep turning it over with a fish slice or spatula until it is melted and mixed in.

Homemade Cheese & Bacon Burgers ~ Simple Food

Homemade Cheese & Bacon Burgers ~ Simple Food

Now serve each burger in a bun topped with the onion, bacon and cheese mix.

Homemade Cheese & Bacon Burgers ~ Simple Food

The smell of the onions and bacon alone will have your guests drooling.

Simple Food Shots

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