
Saturday 21 September 2013

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying

 Today I’m going to show you how to;

De-scale, clean and fillet a whole sea bass ready for pan frying.

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

                                                                                                                                                                  Grip the tail and using the blade of a blunt knife, scrape from the tail towards the head in the opposite direction to which the scales lie. 
It’s a good idea to do this under running water

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Removing the fins
Using a pair of kitchen scissors cut away the dorsal, pelvic and tail fins.
Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food
Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Using a small sharp knife cut open the belly from the head to the tail and pull out the guts, cut out any remaining guts in the cavity then wash out with plenty of cold water.

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food
Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Now cut off the head just below the gills, and the tail about an inch toward the head.

Open out the body and grab the back bone at the tail and gently pull it out.

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food
Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Pull out any bones that are left with a pair of pliers, do this gently in the direction of the bone so as not to pull out too much flesh with it.
Trim away any bits of fin that are left where you have cut them off.
Now you have two beautiful fillets ready for pan frying.

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Rub a little olive oil into the skins and gently massage a little sea salt on top, then some freshly ground black pepper

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Heat a little olive oil in a pan (just enough to cover the bottom of the pan) on a medium to high heat, and plaice the fillets in the pan skin side down.

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Press them down gently with your finger tips but don’t move them for 5 -6 minutes until you can see the flesh turn lighter in colour.

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Then turn them over and cook for another 2 -3 minutes and you’re done.

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

Serve these crispy skinned beauties with anything you like, or just eat them as they come.

Sea Bass, How to Prepare For Pan Frying ~ Simple Food

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