
Tuesday 15 October 2013

How to make Garlic Mayonnaise

How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple Food

How to make Garlic Mayonnaise

This is a recipe that I have developed in my quest to make a really good garlic mayonnaise.
You see it’s not just about crushing some garlic and adding to the mix, you have to infuse the oil that you are using to make the mayonnaise.

How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple FoodLet me show you what I mean.

You will need;

1 – Head of Garlic
300 Ml Vegetable Oil
2 - Egg Yolks
15 Ml – Lemon Juice
1 teaspoon – Dijon Mustard
Salt and Ground Black Pepper

Split the head of garlic and put pressure on each clove with the flat of a knife just until you here them crack (this releases flavour and makes them easier to peal) peal them, put them in a pan and pour in the 300 Ml of oil.
How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple Food
How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple Food

Put the pan on a low heat and poach the garlic in the oil for about 30 minutes, 100 degrees C would be about the right temperature.
After 30 minutes take the pan off the heat and allow to cool, you don’t want to make mayonnaise with oil that is higher than room temperature.
When it’s cool gently mash the garlic to release more of its flavour and pour through a sieve, then discard.

How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple Food
How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple Food

Put the egg yolks, mustard, lemon juice and a pinch of salt and pepper in a bowl and whisk until smooth.

How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple Food
How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple Food

Add the oil gradually bit by bit as you whisk making sure that each drop is whisked before adding more.

How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple Food

Once you have a thick emulsion you can pour the oil in a steady stream as you whisk until the mixture is smooth and thick, then season to taste if needed.

How to make Garlic Mayonnaise ~ Simple Food

The Artist Tony Rose

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