
Sunday 24 November 2013

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs

Bacon, Honey and cheese were made for each other so why not wrap them up in puff pastry parcels.
These bite sized (OK 2 bites) parcels will taste as good as they look on your party table.
I've cheated a bit and used ready made puff pastry, the reason for that is simply because it tastes just as good as when I make it from scratch so why not.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple FoodFor 6 pastries you will need;

350 Gm - Puff Pastry
5 – Rashers of Bacon (chopped)
6 teaspoons - Honey
100 Gm - Cream or Soft Cheese
1 - Egg (beaten)
1 teaspoon - English Mustard

Dry fry the chopped bacon in a frying pan for about 5 minutes on a high heat, then set aside.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Roll out the puff pastry to about 2 – 3 mm thick, and then cut out 6 circles about 10 -12 cm across.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Smear the middle with a little mustard.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Put a small pile of the chopped bacon on top.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Place a teaspoon full of honey onto the bacon.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Put about a teaspoon full of cream cheese on top of the honey.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Then close up the parcel sealing the edge with beaten egg, use something like a fork handle to crimp it and make some shallow cut along the top and glaze with the beaten egg.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Place into a pr-heated 180°c oven for 20 minutes.
Delicious hot or cold.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

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