
Saturday 30 November 2013

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb

This recipe is embarrassingly simple but like most simple recipes it results in great food. The Camembert is such a great match for the figs but I pondered over the need for that sweet crunch, so I developed this simple to make sweet Crumb.
Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food 
You will need;

5 – Fresh Figs
150 Gm - Camembert

For the sweet crumb;

2 desert spoons – Fresh Breadcrumbs
1 desert spoon – Demerara Sugar
25 Ml – water

Snip the stalks from the figs and cut them from top to bottom in a cross but don’t cut all the way through.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Take a piece of Camembert, roll it into a ball and put it in to the centre of the fig closing the fig onto it and set side.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

To make the crumb put the water in a pan on a medium heat and add the sugar, keep stirring until the sugar dissolves.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Allow the syrup to cool a little then add the breadcrumbs and make a paste.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Spread a thin layer of the paste on top of the figs, you can make wafer thin biscuit shapes with the rest of the paste for a garnish.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Place in a pre-heated 190°c oven for 10 minutes.

When you take them out of the oven they will have opened out and the cheese will have diminished, you will have just the right hint of Camembert when you bite into them.

Delicious hot or cold 

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

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