
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice

Another oh so simple and delicious Valentine’s meal for two.
You will need

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food2 - Whole Mackerel
A little Olive Oil
A little Sea Salt
150 Gm - Long Grain Rice (cooked) 
2 - Fresh Tomatoes (chopped) 
1 table spoon - Fresh Basil (chopped)
2 – Medium Flat Mushrooms (chopped)
4 - Spring Onions (shredded)
2 teaspoons - Light Soy Sauce

Clean trim the mackerel if you’re not sure how to do this you can find out here it will also show you how to fillet the mackerel but you won’t need to do that for this dish so when you get to that part just remove the head and tail.

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food

Now make some small cuts in the skin on both sides and rub a pinch of sea salt into each side.
Heat a little olive in a pan and fry on a high heat for about 6 minutes on each side or until the fish is cooked through.

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food
Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food

While the fish is cooking heat a little olive oil in a wok or large frying pan and stir fry the mushrooms, spring onions and soy sauce for 2 or 3 minutes on a high heat.
Now add the tomatoes and basil, stir fry for about a minute then add the rice and cook until warmed through.

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food
Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food

When the mackerel is ready the bone is easily removed by splitting the fish open and carefully lifting it out along with any other stray bones you may find.

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food
Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food

Serve hot on a platter for two for the perfect Valentine’s meal.

Crispy Mackerel with Tomato and Basil Rice ~ Simple Food

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