
Sunday 26 October 2014

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose)

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

You would be forgiven for thinking that the hardest thing about this recipe is the sauce, because after all the flavour of this dish is all about the sauce.

However I think it is also in fact all about the potato, they have to be boiled to the right stage before going into the oven.

If they are under cooked no amount of baking will make them soft enough and if they are over cooked you will not be able to slice them.

So boil the potatoes until you can put a fork into them with just a little bit of resistance then follow my instructions for the sauce and you will have just the best garlic potatoes you have ever tasted.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose)
Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food
You will need

1 Kg – Potatoes
3 – Cloves Garlic (crushed)
1 teaspoon – Dijon Mustard
50 Ml – White Wine
300 Ml – Single Cream
2 tablespoons – Plain Flour
1 teaspoon – Dried Parsley
30 Gm – Butter
A sprinkle of grated cheddar

Keep the potatoes whole and around the same size and part boil them for about 15 minutes (see above).

Cook the parsley and garlic in a pan with the butter for 5 minutes.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Add the flour and mix into a dry paste.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Add the wine and make a wet paste.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Now add the cream, Dijon mustard and mix well then simmer for 10 minutes, taste and season as you go.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Wipe some butter around a casserole dish and slice the cooked potatoes thinly then line the bottom of the dish with them

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Cover with some sauce then more potatoes and so on.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food
Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Sprinkle some grated cheddar over the top and place into a pre heated oven at 180°c for about 25 minutes.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food
Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Serve and enjoy.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Sunday 19 October 2014

Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers

Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers ~ Simple Food

I don’t use beans anywhere near often enough in my cooking, I have no idea why as they are so versatile.
The humble baked bean of course has had many variations over time, and has been a favourite especially with kids in the UK for many years.

This dish if you like is a grown up version with a kick.

Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers

Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers ~ Simple FoodYou will need

2 – Red Peppers
1 – Yellow Pepper
2 – Red Chillies (deseeded and finely chopped)
1 – 400 Gm can of Callennoli Beans
60 Gm – Tomato Paste
½ teaspoon – Dried Basil
½ teaspoon – Dried Coriander
100 Ml – Red Wine
25 Ml – White Wine Vinegar
A little olive oil

Cut off the top and deseed 1 red pepper and the yellow pepper then roast in the oven at 180°c for 25 minutes.

Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers ~ Simple Food

Finely chop the other red pepper and cook in a little olive oil along with the white wine vinegar, chillies, basil and coriander on a medium heat for about five minutes.

Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers ~ Simple Food

Add the red wine and tomato paste mix well and cook for 10 minutes.

Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers ~ Simple Food

Now add the beans and cook for a further 5 minutes then fill the roasted peppers and serve.

Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers ~ Simple Food
Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers ~ Simple Food

Chilli Callennoli Stuffed Peppers ~ Simple Food

Sunday 12 October 2014

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food

For those of you who don’t know how to cut a supreme of chicken joint from a chicken you can find out here or alternatively you could use a skin on chicken breast.

I love to cook chicken this way, very slowly in the oven so that you keep all that beautiful moistness then a quick blast under the grill to crisp up the skin.

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken
(with a simple red wine and tomato sauce)

You will need (for each supreme cut)

1 – Chicken Supreme Cut (or chicken breast skin on)
1 tablespoon – Honey
Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food1 teaspoon – Hoisin

For the sauce

1 – 400 Gm can of Tomatoes
50 Ml – Red Wine
50 Gm – Tomato Paste
1 teaspoon – Dried Basil
Seasoning (including plenty of freshly ground black pepper)

Place the chicken in the oven at 150°c for 30 minutes or until cooked through.

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food

While the chicken is in the oven you can make the sauce.
Put all the sauce ingredients in a wok or large pan, mix well and reduce on a medium to high heat for 10 minutes.

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food

Take the chicken out of the oven and allow to cool a little.

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food

Make up the honey and hoisin mix.

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food
Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food

Rub a little salt into the skin and coat with the mix.

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food

Put under a hot grill for about five minutes.

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food

Serve with some pasta and the sauce.

Honey Crisp Supreme of Chicken ~ Simple Food

Sunday 5 October 2014

Chilli Mustard Relish

Chilli Mustard Relish ~ Simple Food

This is what your steak has been waiting for, mustard with a hit of chilli and the smooth taste of roasted yellow peppers and onion.

Chilli Mustard Relish
Chilli Mustard Relish ~ Simple Food(with roasted onion and peppers)

You will need

50 Ml – White Wine Vinegar
50 Ml – White Wine
50 Ml – Water
A little Olive Oil
2 – Red Chillies (deseeded)
2 – Yellow Peppers
3 table spoons - Dijon Mustard
1 – Large Onion

Quarter and deseed the peppers then peel and halve the onion.

Place them in a baking tray with a drizzle of olive oil and place in a preheated 180°c oven for 25 minutes.

Chilli Mustard Relish ~ Simple Food
Chilli Mustard Relish ~ Simple Food

Plaice the chillies roughly chopped in a saucepan along with the white wine vinegar, white wine, mustard and water, mix well then bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Allow to cool then liquidise the chilli mix along with the peppers and half of the onion (save the other half for the next stage.)

Chilli Mustard Relish ~ Simple Food
Chilli Mustard Relish ~ Simple Food

Chop the other onion half very finely and add it to the mix in the pan then simmer for another 10 minutes.

Chilli Mustard Relish ~ Simple Food

Allow to cool in the fridge before serving.

Chilli Mustard Relish ~ Simple Food