
Sunday 26 October 2014

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose)

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

You would be forgiven for thinking that the hardest thing about this recipe is the sauce, because after all the flavour of this dish is all about the sauce.

However I think it is also in fact all about the potato, they have to be boiled to the right stage before going into the oven.

If they are under cooked no amount of baking will make them soft enough and if they are over cooked you will not be able to slice them.

So boil the potatoes until you can put a fork into them with just a little bit of resistance then follow my instructions for the sauce and you will have just the best garlic potatoes you have ever tasted.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose)
Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food
You will need

1 Kg – Potatoes
3 – Cloves Garlic (crushed)
1 teaspoon – Dijon Mustard
50 Ml – White Wine
300 Ml – Single Cream
2 tablespoons – Plain Flour
1 teaspoon – Dried Parsley
30 Gm – Butter
A sprinkle of grated cheddar

Keep the potatoes whole and around the same size and part boil them for about 15 minutes (see above).

Cook the parsley and garlic in a pan with the butter for 5 minutes.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Add the flour and mix into a dry paste.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Add the wine and make a wet paste.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Now add the cream, Dijon mustard and mix well then simmer for 10 minutes, taste and season as you go.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Wipe some butter around a casserole dish and slice the cooked potatoes thinly then line the bottom of the dish with them

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Cover with some sauce then more potatoes and so on.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food
Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Sprinkle some grated cheddar over the top and place into a pre heated oven at 180°c for about 25 minutes.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food
Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

Serve and enjoy.

Garlic Potatoes (Dauphiniose) ~ Simple Food

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