
Saturday 28 February 2015

Chip Shop Curry Sauce

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

Very popular with most chip shops in the UK is a style of curry sauce that has become known as chip shop curry sauce.

Essentially it is a Chinese style curry sauce and can be used as a base for a really good Chinese chicken curry as I have shown you at the end of this post.

I’ve put an optional ingredient at the end of the list which is Chilli Jam for those of you who like it hot, but bear in mind that the hotter it is the less like chip shop curry sauce it becomes.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce

Time 45 minutes

You will need
Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food 
2 tablespoons - Soft Brown Sugar
2 tablespoons – Light Soy Sauce
2 tablespoons- Chinese Rice Wine
2 tablespoons – Corn Flour (mixed with a little water)
2 cloves – Garlic (crushed)
1 - 20 Gm piece – Fresh Ginger (roughly chopped)
1 - Onion (roughly chopped)
4 tablespoons – Mild Curry Powder
500 Ml - Chicken Stock 
½ teaspoon – Salt
A little olive oil
1-2 teaspoons – Chilli Jam (optional)

Put the onion, garlic and ginger in a liquidiser until smooth.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food
Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

Heat the oil in a pan, cook the liquidised onion, garlic and ginger over a low heat for about 5 minutes.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

Add the curry powder, brown sugar, soy sauce, rice wine, turmeric, salt and chilli jam (if using) mix well, then add a little stock and mix into a paste then cook on a low heat for 10 minutes.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

Add the chicken stock bring to the boil then add the corn flour, mix well and simmer for 20 minutes.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food
Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

That’s the sauce done, now if you want to make a Chinese style chicken curry carry on below.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

I normally use diced thighs for this, so mix the chicken into the curry sauce and leave it to marinate for about 30 minutes.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

Heat a little oil in a wok or pan and pick out the marinated chicken pieces then cook on a high heat for about 10 minutes.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food
Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

Now add the rest of the sauce and simmer for 30 minutes.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

Then serve with a rice of your choice.

Chip Shop Curry Sauce ~ Simple Food

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