
Sunday 28 June 2015

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

I developed this sauce for pancakes as a breakfast dish.

After having it for my breakfast and very enjoyable it was I am undecided.

Because of the creaminess of the sauce I’m thinking it would maybe make a better desert, so I think I’ll just let you decide.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce

Time 30 Minutes Serves 2 – 4

You will need

For the sauce
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food 
150 Ml – Madeira
150 Ml – Double Cream
1 – Fresh Pineapple
30 Gm – Butter
2 tablespoons – Muscovado Sugar

For the pancakes

150 Gm – Self Raising Flour
2 tablespoons – Caster Sugar
1 – Egg
1 tablespoon – Vegetable Oil
250 Ml - Milk

Melt the butter with the muscovado over a medium heat.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Add half of the pineapple (chopped) and caramelise for about 15 minutes.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Now mash the pineapple down and press through a sieve into a bowl.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Pour the sieved liquid back into the pan then add the Madeira and reduce on a medium to high heat for about 5 minutes.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Take the pan from the heat and let it cool for about 30 seconds then add the cream and stir well.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Cook the cream sauce on a medium heat for about 10 minutes until it thickens then transfer to a bowl to cool a little.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

I’m sure that you all have your own way to prepare and cook pancakes, this is my way.

Whisk all the ingredients in a bowl until you have a consistency of double cream.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Wipe some butter around a non stick pan and line the bottom with pancake mix.
Tease around the edge to loosen it a little.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Then flip it over, 1 – 2 minutes each side should do it.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Serve the pancakes with the warm sauce.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Sunday 21 June 2015

Feta and Chorizo Omelette

Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food

This is a great way to start the day.

I chose Feta cheese for this breakfast because it is a great friend of chorizo, this salty cheese soaks up the paprika and compliments it so well.

Feta and Chorizo Omelette

Time 15 – 20 Minutes Serves 2 – 4 (depending on how hungry you are)

You will need

3 – Eggs
100 Ml - Milk
60 Gm – Chorizo (chopped)
80 Gm – Feta Cheese (sliced)
20 Gm – Butter

Melt a little butter in a pan and fry the chorizo for 2 – 3 minutes.

Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food
Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food

Now add about 70% of the cheese.

Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food

While the cheese is melting whisk the eggs in a bowl (don’t season, the saltiness of the feta will probably be enough).

Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food

Now back to your frying pan and you will see all this wonderful feta soaking up the paprika that is oozing from the chorizo.

Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food

Now pour the eggs into the pan and gently mix into the cheese and chorizo mix, don't stir too much because you’ll end up with scrambled eggs.

Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food
Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food

Cook until the bottom is done but the top is still runny then add the rest of the cheese then place under a hot grill to cook the top.

Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food
Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food

Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food

Serve with a few slices of chorizo.

Feta and Chorizo Omelette ~ Simple Food

Saturday 13 June 2015

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

As a breakfast chef I thought I would share with you in the next few posts some of my favourite ways to start the day.

What better way to begin than with....

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise

Time 30 Minutes (including the hollandaise)

You will need

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food
For the hollandaise

125 GM – Unsalted Butter
3 – Egg Yolks
1 teaspoon – White Wine Vinegar
A pinch of salt and ground white pepper

For each serving

2 – Eggs
1 – Muffin
A splash of white wine vinegar

You can make the hollandaise well in advance even the day before, start by gently melting the butter in a pan.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

While the butter is melting separate the 3 egg yolks, I do that by just passing the yolk from shell to shell.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food
Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

When the butter has melted skim off the froth from the top.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

Heat some water in a pan to use as a bain marie and keep it at a low simmer.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

Place a heat proof bowl over the simmering water and whisk the egg yolks in the bowl.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

The eggs will gently cook as you whisk, they will change colour when they emulsify.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

Now add the butter little by little as you whisk it in to the emulsified eggs.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

 Now add the salt, pepper and white wine vinegar and whisk in.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

That’s it this should make about 150 ML of hollandaise, you can keep it in the fridge over night and warm it a little just to loosen it up just before you use it.
Here’s a tip, if your mix splits as you add the butter just drop in an ice cube and carry on whisking it works like magic.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

I normally have my eggs benedict  with bacon, the way I cook my bacon is to cook it for a couple of minutes then allow it to go cold, then when I am ready for it blast it under a hot grill for a couple of minutes.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

So bring some water to the boil add a splash of white wine vinegar turn the heat right down and drop in your eggs.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food
Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

Toast your muffins, cook your bacon and it’s ready.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food

Serve the poached eggs in the muffins with a little hollandaise and splash some around the board or plate just for good measure.

Eggs Benedict with Homemade Hollandaise  ~ Simple Food