
Sunday 28 June 2015

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

I developed this sauce for pancakes as a breakfast dish.

After having it for my breakfast and very enjoyable it was I am undecided.

Because of the creaminess of the sauce I’m thinking it would maybe make a better desert, so I think I’ll just let you decide.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce

Time 30 Minutes Serves 2 – 4

You will need

For the sauce
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food 
150 Ml – Madeira
150 Ml – Double Cream
1 – Fresh Pineapple
30 Gm – Butter
2 tablespoons – Muscovado Sugar

For the pancakes

150 Gm – Self Raising Flour
2 tablespoons – Caster Sugar
1 – Egg
1 tablespoon – Vegetable Oil
250 Ml - Milk

Melt the butter with the muscovado over a medium heat.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Add half of the pineapple (chopped) and caramelise for about 15 minutes.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Now mash the pineapple down and press through a sieve into a bowl.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Pour the sieved liquid back into the pan then add the Madeira and reduce on a medium to high heat for about 5 minutes.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Take the pan from the heat and let it cool for about 30 seconds then add the cream and stir well.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Cook the cream sauce on a medium heat for about 10 minutes until it thickens then transfer to a bowl to cool a little.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

I’m sure that you all have your own way to prepare and cook pancakes, this is my way.

Whisk all the ingredients in a bowl until you have a consistency of double cream.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Wipe some butter around a non stick pan and line the bottom with pancake mix.
Tease around the edge to loosen it a little.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food
Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Then flip it over, 1 – 2 minutes each side should do it.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

Serve the pancakes with the warm sauce.

Pancakes with Pineapple & Madeira Sauce ~ Simple Food

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