
Sunday 3 January 2016

Chilli Con Carne (made with premium homemade cook in sauce)

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

I have made this guide in two parts; the first part is the sauce which is a good very fiery stand alone chilli sauce.

If you don’t have any chilli oil and you don’t want the bother of making any use olive oil but you will have to up the quantities of chillies and chilli powder, but because the chilli oil is so easy to make I would encourage you to make some.

 The second part I have used the sauce to make a beautiful deep flavoured beef chilli, for this I had great plans I wanted to do so much to this to make it the Carlsberg of chillies. Then I found that I didn’t need to because the sauce did it all for me, it made it ........ PROBABLY the best chilli ever.

Chilli Con Carne (made with premium homemade cook in sauce)

For the sauce

You will need
2 – Large Red Peppers (deseeded and quartered)
3 – Large Beef Tomatoes (halved)
1 – Head of Garlic
1 – Red Chilli (finely chopped)
1 teaspoon - Hot Chilli Powder
1 teaspoon – Dried Oregano
1 teaspoon – Dried Coriander
1 – Beef Stock cube
100 Ml – Red Wine

For the beef chilli
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food 
You will need

400 Gm – Good Quality Mince Beef
1 – Onion (finely chopped)
200 Ml – Red Wine
200 Ml – Sauce (see above)
400 Gm (1 can) – Kidney Beans

So, let’s get on with the sauce.

First of all put the peppers, tomatoes and garlic onto an oven proof tray making sure you cross the top of the tomatoes for easy peeling and slice the top off the garlic. Drizzle over some chillioil and place them in the oven on 180°c for 20 minutes.

As I said at the top if you haven’t got chilli oil then use olive oil but you may have to up the quantities of chilli powder and chilli’s.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

After 20 minutes take them out of the oven and after they have cooled a little take the skin off of the tomatoes.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Now put the peppers and tomatoes into a liquidiser and squeeze in the insides of the garlic.
Now liquidise until smooth.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Put a little garlic oil or olive oil in a pan and add the chilli powder, coriander, oregano, red chilli and stock cube then cook on a medium heat for a couple of minutes.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Then add the red wine and cook out for 2 – 3 minutes.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Now add the liquidised peppers, tomatoes and garlic then simmer for 15 – 20 minutes. This makes around 700 Ml of sauce.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

You now have a premium stand alone homemade cook in sauce.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

When it has cooled transfer to containers or jars for later use or get straight on with your chilli con carne as follows.

First off put the mince into a pan of water and bring to the boil, this gets rid of most of the excess fat.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Now drain and rinse well and chop it up well so that you don’t have any big lumps of mince, that way all the flavour gets into every grain of the meat.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Add the onion and cook on a medium heat for a few minutes to soften the onion.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Then add the red wine and cook on a low heat for at least 30 minutes or an hour if you have the time.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Now add this wonderful sauce that you have made, stir it in and simmer for 5 minutes. 200 Ml was enough for me but you can add more if you like.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food
Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Add the kidney beans stir in and after simmering for a few minutes you’re ready to serve. Don't forget to taste as you go and season.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

Serve with rice and a little sour cream.

Chilli Con Carne ~ Simple Food

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