
Tuesday 23 April 2013

Fillet of Cod on Singapore Noodles with Marsala and Mushroom Sauce

Marsala is an Italian fortified wine very similar to sherry, I was introduced to Marsala sauce many years ago in my local Italian restaurant and I loved it.
One of my favorite ways to have it is veal in Marsala  but today I thought I would make it with mushrooms and cod. I toned down the Marsala a little so as not to make too strong a taste to overpower the cod.

To make the sauce you will need:-

1 knob of Butter
150g Button Mushrooms
1 dsp Plain Flour
25ml White Wine
35ml Marsala Wine
150ml Double Cream
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
Dried Parsley

I bought fresh Singapore noodles which take two or three minutes to stir-fry and the cod fillet I baked in the oven wrapped in parchment.

The sauce:-

Melt the butter in a pan on a medium heat, quarter the mushrooms and add them to the pan and gently fry them for about 5 minutes.

Removed the mushrooms and add the plain flour to the juice, stir into a paste.
Add the white wine and the Marsala , stir well so that it turns into a paste again.

Then add the cream keep stirring to maintain a good consistency and reintroduce the mushrooms.
Season with freshly ground black pepper, salt and parsley then add a little water to get the consistency of your liking.  

Keep it gently bubbling for about 10 -15 minutes adding a little more water if necessary.

You need to keep tasting as you go, adding more seasoning or Marsala or anything else to make it taste as you want it to taste.

The longer you keep it gently simmering the better it gets, for me the point where you stop tasting raw cream is when it’s ready.


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