
Saturday 30 November 2013

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb

This recipe is embarrassingly simple but like most simple recipes it results in great food. The Camembert is such a great match for the figs but I pondered over the need for that sweet crunch, so I developed this simple to make sweet Crumb.
Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food 
You will need;

5 – Fresh Figs
150 Gm - Camembert

For the sweet crumb;

2 desert spoons – Fresh Breadcrumbs
1 desert spoon – Demerara Sugar
25 Ml – water

Snip the stalks from the figs and cut them from top to bottom in a cross but don’t cut all the way through.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Take a piece of Camembert, roll it into a ball and put it in to the centre of the fig closing the fig onto it and set side.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

To make the crumb put the water in a pan on a medium heat and add the sugar, keep stirring until the sugar dissolves.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Allow the syrup to cool a little then add the breadcrumbs and make a paste.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Spread a thin layer of the paste on top of the figs, you can make wafer thin biscuit shapes with the rest of the paste for a garnish.

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Place in a pre-heated 190°c oven for 10 minutes.

When you take them out of the oven they will have opened out and the cheese will have diminished, you will have just the right hint of Camembert when you bite into them.

Delicious hot or cold 

Baked Camembert Figs with Sweet Crumb ~ Simple Food

Thursday 28 November 2013

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms

A beautiful fish stuffed with peppers and mushrooms; also I will show you how to make a creamy chive sauce to compliment this dish.

If you need to know how to clean and trim the trout you can find out here you can leave the head and tail on for this recipe.

You will need;

1 – Whole Rainbow Trout
1 – Red or Orange Pepper (chopped)
100 Gm - Chestnut Mushrooms (chopped)
150 Gm – Chestnut Mushrooms (quartered)
Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food

1 – Clove of Garlic
Salt and freshly Ground Pepper
A little olive Oil
3 – Medium Carrots
75 Gm - Butter

For the sauce;

100 Ml – Double Cream
1 tablespoon – Fresh Chives (finely chopped)
½ teaspoon – Garlic Granules
Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper
50 Gm – Butter

Fry the chopped mushrooms and pepper in a little olive oil on a medium heat for about 5 minutes.

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food
Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food

Lay the trout in tin foil and stuff it with the fried mushrooms and pepper.
Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food
Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food 

Then wrap it and put it in a pre - heated 180°c oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes remove from the oven unwrap it and put it back in on 200°c for 10 minutes, this will crisp up the skin.

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food

While your fish is in the oven you can make the glazed carrots, fry the quartered mushrooms and make the sauce.
Cut the carrots in half long ways and using a speed peeler shred them.

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food

Melt the butter in a pan place the carrots in and cover with a little water, then cook until nearly all the water has gone, this should take about 10 – 15 minutes.

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food
Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food
To make the sauce, gently fry the chives and garlic granules in butter for 5 or 6 minutes, now add the cream and cook for about 10 minutes on a low to medium heat, season with salt and pepper.

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food 

Serve on the side in a sauce jug.

Stuffed Rainbow Trout with Glazed Carrot Shreds and Chestnut Mushrooms ~ Simple Food

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders

In this recipe I am going to show you how to make the slider rolls from scratch because that way you can make them whatever size you prefer.

For 15 medium sized slider rolls

You will need;
2 teaspoons – Fast Action Yeast
150 Ml – Warm Water
150 Ml - Milk
1 – Egg (beaten)
30 Ml – Vegetable Oil
Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food35 Gm – Sugar
1 teaspoon – Salt
425 Gm – White Bread Flour
Melted butter for Brushing

The Filling;
For each batch of 4 medium sliders

You will need;
2 – Chicken breasts (skinned and sliced)
A little Olive Oil
100 Ml – Hoisin Sauce

To make the slider rolls
Stir the yeast into the warm water until it dissolves, then whisk together the milk, egg, sugar, salt and oil in a bowl, add to the yeast mix and combine.

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food
Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food 

Put the flour in a bowl, add the mixture to it and stir until you get sticky dough.

Note; before you start to knead the dough make sure you flour your surface and hands well or there will be a sticky mess.
Knead the dough for about 10 minutes then cover and place somewhere warm to rise.

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food

Roll the dough into a sausage and cut to your preferred size, then shape into rolls and place on a buttered oven proof tray and set aside for about 40 minutes.

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food
Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food

Pre-heat your oven to 190°c, brush the rolls with a little melted butter and place them in the oven for 15 – 20 minutes.

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food

The Filling

Heat a little olive oil in a pan on a medium heat, and cook the chicken for about 8 – 10 minutes until it is cooked through.

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food
Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food

Drain the oil from the pan and put back on the heat, then coat the chicken with hoisin sauce.

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food
Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food

Turn the heat up and cook until the sauce becomes sticky, then make a cut in the sliders, slide the chicken in and drizzle over some more sauce.

Sticky Hoisin Chicken Sliders ~ Simple Food

The Artist Tony Rose

Sunday 24 November 2013

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs

Bacon, Honey and cheese were made for each other so why not wrap them up in puff pastry parcels.
These bite sized (OK 2 bites) parcels will taste as good as they look on your party table.
I've cheated a bit and used ready made puff pastry, the reason for that is simply because it tastes just as good as when I make it from scratch so why not.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple FoodFor 6 pastries you will need;

350 Gm - Puff Pastry
5 – Rashers of Bacon (chopped)
6 teaspoons - Honey
100 Gm - Cream or Soft Cheese
1 - Egg (beaten)
1 teaspoon - English Mustard

Dry fry the chopped bacon in a frying pan for about 5 minutes on a high heat, then set aside.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Roll out the puff pastry to about 2 – 3 mm thick, and then cut out 6 circles about 10 -12 cm across.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Smear the middle with a little mustard.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Put a small pile of the chopped bacon on top.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Place a teaspoon full of honey onto the bacon.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Put about a teaspoon full of cream cheese on top of the honey.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Then close up the parcel sealing the edge with beaten egg, use something like a fork handle to crimp it and make some shallow cut along the top and glaze with the beaten egg.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Place into a pr-heated 180°c oven for 20 minutes.
Delicious hot or cold.

Bacon and Honey Cream Cheese Puffs ~ Simple Food

Friday 22 November 2013

Chilli Beef Melts

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food

Chilli Beef Melts

“Goodness gracious great balls of fire” ..........Well actually small delightful balls of scrumptiousness.
This is the type of party food that your guests will  want to try and make themselves when they get home.

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food 
You will need;

350 Gm - Minced Beef
50 Gm - Tomato Paste
30 Ml - Tomato Ketchup
1 teaspoon – Paprika
1 teaspoon - Coriander
2 teaspoons - Hot Chilli Powder
½ teaspoon - Garlic Granules
250 Gm – Cheese (of your choice)
1 – Egg (beaten)

Put all the ingredients except the cheese into a food processor and grind down to a sausage meat kind of texture.

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food

Place it in a bowl and pour in your beaten egg, now get your hands in there and work the egg in to the mix.

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food

Cut the cheese into bite sized pieces about 1 – 1 ½ Cm cubed, you can use whatever cheese you like but a pliable cheese is best so that you can roll it into a ball so I've used brie.
Tear off a piece of you meat mix and roll into a ball then flatten, press the cheese into it and roll it into a ball covering the cheese evenly.

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food

Shallow fry them on a low to medium heat for about 15 minutes so that the meat is cooked through, they will pop open in places and reveal the cheese but don’t worry because it will make them look all the more appetising.

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food

Pile them on a plate and serve with a garnish.

Chilli Beef Melts ~ Simple Food