
Sunday 17 November 2013

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry ~ Simple Food

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry

It’s coming up to party season and this type of food is so good for entertaining. I came up with this recipe because I just love the idea of cracked black pepper zing against mild creamy brie, and it worked just right.

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry ~ Simple FoodYou will need;

200 Gm - Brie
100 Gm - Fresh Breadcrumbs
100 Gm - Cracked Black Pepper
1 – Egg (beaten)
Oil for deep frying
Cranberry Sauce

Put some leftover crusts or slices of bread in the food processor to make your bread crumbs.

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry ~ Simple Food
Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry ~ Simple Food

If there are any left over, keep in the fridge for another time.
Beat your egg in a small bowl and crack the black pepper corns in a pestle and mortar.

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry ~ Simple Food

Cut the outside white from your brie very thinly so that there is no waste cheese, then cut into six equal portions, roll into balls and flatten slightly to get a nice shape.

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry ~ Simple Food

Now set yourself up a little production line, beaten egg, breadcrumbs and cracked black pepper.
Take each ball of brie and coat it in the egg, then in the breadcrumbs pressing them in with your hand, now back in the egg and back in the breadcrumbs again then press them top and bottom in the pepper.

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry ~ Simple Food

Heat the oil to about 180° and gently place each ball into the oil, fry them for 2 minutes maximum.

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry ~ Simple Food

Serve immediately with some cranberry sauce.

Deep Fried Brie in Cracked Pepper Crumb with Cranberry ~ Simple Food

The Artist Tony Rose

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