
Friday 15 November 2013

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes

A beautiful Italian style starter.
If you want to know how to make light fluffy Gnocchi then follow my recipe to the letter and you won’t be disappointed.

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple FoodYou will need;

800 Gm - Potatoes
50 Gm - Flour
1 - Egg Yolk
A pinch - Salt
A pinch - Pepper
50 Gm – Butter
3 – Cloves Garlic (crushed)
A few leaves of Basil (crushed)
Cherry Plum Tomatoes (halved)

This amount of potatoes will make quite a few Gnocchi, so as a guide I would use about 2 tomatoes to each Gnocchi.

Bake the potatoes for an hour in the oven at 200°; test them with a fork because they may need a little longer depending on their size.

Don’t let them cool to much work with them as warm as you can, cut each potato in half and squeeze out the insides into a bowl then discard the skin.

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Press the potato through a sieve, don’t mash with a fork or masher this would be working it too much and will make tough, chewy Gnocchi.

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Now add the flour, egg yolk, salt and pepper and work with your hands. Don’t over work the mix; just make sure that all the ingredients are mixed reasonably well together.

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Flour your board and roll out into a dough like ball. 

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Take some of the potato mix and make into a sausage shape, then cut into sections.

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

If you want to make them look good (who wouldn’t) press the down with a fork, and roll them over.
Put them into a pan of boiling water, they are done when they rise to the top.

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Heat the butter in a large frying pan and add the garlic and basil.

When the pan is hot, take the Gnocchi out of the saucepan with a slotted spoon and add to the frying pan.

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Fry for about 5 minutes then turn them and add the tomatoes, and fry for a further 5 minutes.

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

Serve immediately.

Golden Gnocchi in Garlic and Basil Butter with Cherry Tomatoes ~ Simple Food

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