
Tuesday 10 December 2013

Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case

Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case ~ Simple Food

How to make Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case

A lovely light and creamy starter, just right for Christmas lunch
Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case ~ Simple Food

You will need;
1 -Rainbow Trout (cleaned and trimmed)
300 Gm - Cream Cheese
1 teaspoon - Balsamic Vinegar 6 – Cocktail Gherkins
1 teaspoon - Capers
1 - Egg
3 - teaspoons - Horseradish Sauce
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Wrap the trout in foil and put it in a 170°c oven for 30 minutes.

Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case ~ Simple Food

Meanwhile put the rest of the ingredients in a food processor and blitz until they are smooth.

Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case ~ Simple Food
Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case ~ Simple Food

After 30 minutes take the trout out of the oven, take the skin off and flake the flesh off the bone (only use the pink flesh).

Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case ~ Simple Food

Now mix the trout in with the other ingredients.

Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case ~ Simple Food

Put some water in an oven proof dish and put the mixture in a smaller oven proof dish and place it in the water so that the water comes about half way up the side of the smaller dish.

Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case ~ Simple Food

Place in a 170°c oven for 15 minutes.
Add salt and pepper to taste, allow to cool and put in the fridge, overnight is best but at least for a couple of hours.
To serve cut the ends off a lemon and take out the inside (use the inside to squeeze over the mousse) put the casing of the lemon on the plate and fill with the mousse.

Serve with wholemeal toast and garnish.

Rainbow mousse Served in a Lemon Case ~ Simple Food

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