
Sunday 8 December 2013

How to Make Mushroom Burger Sauce

Mushroom Burger Sauce ~ Simple Food

Mushroom Burger Sauce

This is a great way to enhance the taste of your burger, you can also use it as an accompaniment for steaks and it goes really well with cold meats.

You will need;
Mushroom Burger Sauce ~ Simple Food 
3 - Cloves of Garlic (chopped)
150 Gm - Mushrooms (chopped)
50 Gm - Anchovy Fillets (chopped)
50 Gm - Gherkins (chopped)
4 teaspoons - Dijon Mustard
85 ml – Cider Vinegar
125 gm – Demerara Sugar (you can use white sugar if you prefer)
180 ml – Water
2 teaspoons - Corn Flour
50 ml - Water (for the corn flour paste)

Dry fry the mushrooms gently for about 10 minutes, when they start to produce their own liquid add the garlic and fry for a further 2 minutes then take off the heat and allow to cool.

Mushroom Burger Sauce ~ Simple Food

Place in a food processor along with the mustard, anchovy’s, gherkins, vinegar, water (180 ml) and then process them until they are smooth.

Mushroom Burger Sauce ~ Simple Food
Mushroom Burger Sauce ~ Simple Food

Transfer your mixture to a saucepan, add the sugar and bring to the boil. Leave to simmer on a medium heat for 10 minutes.
Leave to cool a little then press though a sieve to make it extra smooth.

Mushroom Burger Sauce ~ Simple Food

Mix the corn flour and 50 ml of water into a paste, add it to the mixture after it has simmered for 10 minutes and stir it in. Simmer for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Let it cool and then put it in the fridge until it is cold.

That is it you are done.

Mushroom Burger Sauce ~ Simple Food

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