
Friday 6 December 2013

Succulant Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce

Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce ~ Simple Food

Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce

This is a great alternative to the usual apple sauce, the sweetness of the cider and raisins with the slight acidity of the cider vinegar works wonderfully.

You will need;
Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce ~ Simple Food50 Gm – Seedless Raisins (chopped)
450 Gm – Pork Fillet
250 Ml – Cider
1 teaspoon – Cider Vinegar 
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 – Vegetable Stock Cube
2 desert spoons – Plain Flour
100 Ml - Water

Pre heat your oven to 190°c
Place the fillet into a baking tray pour in the cider and sprinkle in the raisins, season the fillet with salt and pepper then into the oven for 35 minutes.

Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce ~ Simple Food

After 35 minutes remove from the oven, lift out the fillet and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce ~ Simple Food

With a fork mash the raisins down into the juice then put the contents of the baking tray through a sieve pressing on the raisins to get as much liquid out as possible then discard the raisins.
Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce ~ Simple Food

Put the plain flour into the baking tray with a little of the juice and make a paste, put the tray on the hob on a low to medium heat then add the rest of the juice stir well keeping it smooth then sprinkle in the stock cube, add the vinegar and water.

Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce ~ Simple Food

Keep stirring as it heats up, don’t worry if you can’t get it smooth just press it through a sieve and put it back in the pan.

Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce ~ Simple Food

Carve the meat and serve with a accompaniment of your choice.

Pork Fillet with Raisin and Cider Sauce ~ Simple Food

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