
Sunday 8 March 2015

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Don’t tell your guests how easy this is to make.

Just let them be impressed.

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce
with King Prawns

Serves 2  Time 30 minutes

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple FoodYou will need

60 Gm – Butter
150 Ml – Double Cream
2 cloves – Garlic (crushed)
1 tablespoon – Chopped Fresh Parsley (or frozen freeflow)
50 Ml – White Wine
1 teaspoon – Corn Flour
100 Gm – Raw King Prawns
100 Gm – Oyster Mushrooms (cut into strips)
100 Gm – Medium Noodles (dried or straight to wok)

Melt 30 gm of the butter in a wok or large pan.

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Cook the mushrooms, garlic and parsley on a medium heat for about 5 minutes.

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food
Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Add the corn flour and mix well.

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food
Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Now add the white wine and cook it out for about 5 minutes.

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food
Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Add the cream and stir well the leave to simmer for 10 minutes on a low heat.

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food
Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Then add the noodles and coat them with the sauce, keep it on a low heat while you cook the prawns.
(if you are using dried noodles you will need cook them according to instructions on the packet first)

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food
Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Melt the other 30 Gm of butter in a pan and add the prawns, cook them for a few minutes each side until they go pink. Make sure they are cooked through but don’t overcook them.

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food
Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

Now serve with the noodles for a great meal.

Noodles in White Wine and Oyster Mushroom Sauce ~ Simple Food

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