
Sunday 15 March 2015

Omelette Arnold Bennett

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Chefs at the Savoy hotel in London perfected this dish many years ago and when Arnold Bennett the English novelist stayed there he loved it so much he insisted upon having it where ever he travelled.

They named the omelette after him and still serve it there to this day.

This takes a little time to do but it’s very straight forward and well worth the effort.

Omelette Arnold Bennett

Serves 4  Time 40 minutes

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple FoodYou will need

2 tablespoons – Crème Fraiche
50 Ml – Semi Skimmed Milk
225 Gm – Smoked Haddock
5 – Eggs
1 teaspoon – Corn Flour
10 Gm – Butter
1 teaspoon – Olive Oil
50 Gm – Gruyere Cheese
Salt and freshly ground pepper

Take the skin off the haddock and chop into 1 cm chunks.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Heat the crème fraiche in a pan and add some freshly ground black pepper, don’t use any salt yet because the fish may be salty enough.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Add the milk and stir well.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Add the fish and poach for about 5 minutes.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Separate one of the eggs keeping the yolk in one bowl and the white in the other.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Whisk the yolk with the corn flour.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

When the fish is poached spoon it into a sieve over the pan and press gently to get the all the liquid into the pan and then set aside.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food
Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Bring the liquid back to a simmer and add yolk whisking it into the liquid and leave to simmer for 1 or 2 minutes until thickened.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food
Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Remove from the heat and stir in the fish, now is the time to taste and add salt if needed.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Whisk the egg white into soft peaks and stir into the fish.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food
Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Now for the omelette, whisk the remaining 4 eggs.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food
Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Melt the butter in a frying pan with a little olive oil, tilt the pan to get it around the sides.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food
Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Pour in the eggs and cook until half set.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Now add the fish mix and smooth over then grate on the cheese.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food
Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Place under a hot grill until the cheese has melted and the omelette has brown peaks and is bubbling.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food
Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

Cut into wedges and serve.

Omelette Arnold Bennett ~ Simple Food

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