This dish is open to a wide variety of ingredients, but for my dinner tonight I have chosen some sweet mini peppers that I found in the supermarket today, and some mushrooms.
So here we go: - Chop 4 or 5 of the peppers quite finely, removing the stalk and seeds first of course, and some mushrooms the same. Heat about a tablespoon or so of extra virgin olive oil in a pan and add the peppers and mushrooms, add quite a liberal amount of sea salt, freshly ground black pepper and about a ¼ of a teaspoon of fennel seeds, give it a good stir and cook until they soften (about 4 – 5 minutes).
Add a cup of long grain rice followed by a cup of vegetable stock, I use cabbage water because I think it’s the tastiest stock you can get, bring to the boil and then add a vegetable stock cube just for good measure. Turn it down to the lowest heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
If after 10 minutes it’s still a bit wet give it a blast while stirring to reduce it down to a consistency of your liking, and your done.
There are endless things you can accompany this with so tonight I’m having chicken.
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